How can you create maximum trust in a new logistics solution?

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On Tuesday 11 February 2020, Groenewout is organizing an inspiration session titled ‘How can you create maximum trust in a new logistics solution?’.

Rising customer service expectations, growing volumes, employee shortages, the shift from traditional retail to omnichannel… all these factors are making it necessary to use new and also existing logistics systems and processes more effectively.

Groenewout has valuable experience in designing optimal solutions, often incorporating the use of mechanized systems. The design is then used as the basis for the business case. A business case regularly includes uncertainties which can have a big impact on success, so a proof of concept helps companies to make design-related choices: ‘What will happen if we use an extra AGV?’, or ‘What if we double the buffer capacity?’. Logistics simulations provide a detailed and quantitative insight into the current and future situation. This is one way of obtaining a proof of concept and providing a sound basis for decision-making.

Logistics simulations visualize the operational impact of possible choices for projects of all sizes and levels of detail – from extending a warehouse to setting up an AGV system or optimizing system parameters – and are no longer as complex and costly as before. This approach also helps to win support from directors and/or employees by showing that current bottlenecks really will be resolved. Besides that, it can reveal new, unforeseen problems that might occur elsewhere.

So if your organization has plans for a logistics project and if you’re keen to know how it will impact on your operation, come to this inspiration session and learn about the approach, the investment and the benefits of logistics simulations.

Based on a number of real-life examples, Groenewout’s Arthur Zondervan will explain the design process for mechanized solutions and the associated process changes. It will become clear that the use of simulation tools can help to eliminate uncertainties. After realization and go-live, the simulation can subsequently be used to compare the actual performance against the design. Steven Hamoen from Talumis will demonstrate the underlying technology and the broader use of simulation, and will present examples of possible insights and results.